Information for parents/caregivers including how to approve selections

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Subject Selection Timeline - when online selection will be available for each Year Level:

  1. To approve subject selections, go to the Ōtūmoetai College SchoolPoint portal 

  1. Log in using your KAMAR username (lastnamefirstinitial of your student) and password.
    Any issues logging in please contact [email protected].

  2. If you want to find out more about the Subject Selection process before approving your students
    course selections, browse “Useful Information”.

  3. To check and approve your student’s courses you must be logged in as a Caregiver
    i.e students can’t approve their own selections! Then click on “My Selected Courses”.

  4. You will see a list of the courses your student has selected. You can click on “Information”
    (on the right hand side) to see what each course is about such as learning activities,
    future pathway courses, possible careers, course costs, and what standards are assessed.

  5. If you agree with the course selection, click on “Approve Course” under each course.

  6. Approve each course. The page will reload each time.

  7. If you do not agree with your student’s course selection, do not Approve Course.
    Please leave a note explaining why. Click “Save Approval Notes” at the bottom and
    this will be saved for the Dean’s information.

  8. Finished! The school will use this information to prepare your students timetable for next year.