L1 Drama

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms M. Rowe.

This course provides students with an opportunity to study all aspects of Drama. Performance skills, the ability to devise Drama, working with scripts, studying theatre styles and Public performance work, all form an integral part of the course. Students will be required to complete written tasks alongside their practical projects.

This course will be assessed to both internal and external standards.

Subject Overview

Term 1
Explore the use of Drama techniques in performance.

Term 2
Devise and perform a group Drama, using elements and conventions.

Term 3
Public performance of a class play.

Term 4
External preparation

Required Prior Learning

Entry is subject to approval by the HOD. Students’ work in junior Drama will be taken into consideration.

Subject Costs

NB: Approx $100 may be required during the year to pay for various theatre trips (NOT COMPULSORY).


Drama has huge value as an educational tool. It serves to improve students' life skills (communication, cooperation, self expression, creativity, confidence, problem solving) as well as their Drama knowledge. Increasingly in our technology driven world, these skills are becoming lost. Many workplaces are expressing a need for their work force to have greater inter personal skills. Drama is a proven way of encouraging these qualities. It is a university approved subject, therefore those wishing to continue on an academic pathway are catered for.