L1 Outdoor Education

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr J. Davis.

This course involves modules on Active participation, Risk Management, Sports Education, and Skill Performance. Students are assessed on their involvement in activities, their demonstration of skills and how they function as part of a team or group. Participation in the college Swimming Sports is encouraged.

Assessment is 100% internal. This means students must be able to complete assessed tasks in the workbooks within a set timeframe. Topics include Volleyball, Badminton, Football, Rugby & Touch, plus 3 other Outdoor Education Modules (Surfing, Rock-climbing, Kayaking & Orienteering).

Required Prior Learning

Entry to this course is dependent on your teacher at Year 10 and the HOD of Physical Educations' approval.  Students who are involved in this subject must have been actively and positively involved in the activities of the Year 10 Health and Physical Education programme.

Subject Costs

There is an "optional" camp for this subject in Week 6 of Term 1. Please note that places on this camp are very limited and not all students will be able to attend. This cost of this camp is subject to change but is estimated to be $90 - $110.
